THE GAP – Wanderung entlang am Nkomati River in Eswatini

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THE GAP – Wanderung entlang am Nkomati River in Eswatini
Juli 4, 2021 @ 07:30 - 15:00 UTC+2
Wanderung zum THE GAP entlang am Nkomati Fluss. Startpunkt: Maguga Dam Wall.
Organisiert von der Natural History Society of Eswatini.
Beschreibung der Wanderung:
The walk is a gentle one through the luscious growth of the Nkomati Valley with many wild fig trees as cover. The start is from the weir below Maguga Dam. The route is along the south bank of the river. At the Gap is waiting a spectacle of potholes, rock sculptures and channels scoured out over millennia.
The Gap itself needs to be seen to comprehend the whole spectacle: As a result of a geological phenomenon the whole of the Nkomazi River is reduced to a width of about one metre wide tunnel, ten meter deep and 50m long in a black rock intrusion seam.
The access route from the weir makes it a mainly level walk on a clear path in a deep valley with mountains towering above. There is one river crossing (knee deep). It may be hot and humid at an altitude of about 500m, but a most rewarding walk with bird life and a changing landscape, under the canopy along this now tamed river full of rounded boulders and pebble beds.
At the dam site there are signs warning for HIPPOS AND CROCODILES. Beware ticks too.
Walking time is 2 hours each way with an hour at The Gap for lunch and exploration of the Gap itself and the suspension bridge close by.
Travelling time 45 minutes each way. This is a full day’s outing.
Bring sun protection, adequate food and drinks (at least 1-1/2 litres of water).
Meet at the Theatre Club at 7.30 for departure at 7.45 sharp. (Non-members welcome).
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